
Τρίτη 13 Μαρτίου 2012

4 years!

 Four years of Eve online... Unbelievable. You see i am a fps guy. I don't like mmos. Nor mmorpgs. Still don't.
I like direct instant action with no consequences.
I am a counterstrike guy. Battlefield even.
Until one day a RL friend of mine (seen on the screen shot) Suggested this game.
"it's awesome, it has spaceships, everything on one server"
"Awesome"I thought.
"But it's an mmo, it has lots of menus and buttons, and it is very difficult" He concludes.
"Well then, why do you even talk about it?"I replied.
"Just give it a shot, it has a 14 day trial, if you do not like it , then just delete it" He said.

So the day is 13 of March 2008 as i download the client.  I create my character and enter the game. There was some kind of tutorial but since i never RTFM, i skip them . I see lots of buttons on the left, quite a few on the right, find the one that interests me, and  i undock

 Space? Spaaaaaceeeee!!!!!

My first reactions?
"wow awesome"
"Odd,  cursor and WSAD keys do not work"
"how the hell do i steer"
"press all the keys"
"Click all the buttons"
Bingo, my small velator starter turning. So apparently i double click to steer and i must click on objects on the overview to either approach them or warp to them. What?WARP? I immediately click on warp. I hear this beautiful female voice "Warp drive Active". The Trekkie inside me came.  I must have warped a couple of times before i arrived at a stargate. I looked at that magnificent structure which shot a beam of light now and then. I saw ships arriving and disappearing . And by the way that sound when you jumped was the best ever back then. Bring it back CCP.  
I see a guy locking me, and my ship auto locked him back. I off course shoot him. A dialog appeared warning me. Apparently you cannot shoot people for no reason. 
So i docked and waited for my friend to log in and try to explain to me this game.
And that's pretty much it. We joined corporations, started mining, then missioning. I found my self searching and reading the forums, first time ever i did that for a game. I even learned excel thanks to eve!!!
I went from not liking the game to having 5 accounts. I went to low sec. Fought in null sec. Fought in huge fleets before the mega lag. Lost ships in the mega lag. 
"BTW i still have ships in zlz :("
Started industry. Started invention. Build ships, and stuff. Even started playing the markets, which is the only thing that i do today, and kinda like. Me, who hates numbers, and spreadsheets, and mmos.

I don't think i ' ll ever stop. If i need a break, I simply have lots of 30 days skills to train. Even with the jita riots, and the monoclogate (spell check?) I didn't quit. Not because i hoped ccp will change, which they did. 
I simply like this game too much.
So happy birthday virtual main me, and fly safe o/

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